Tetun National Dictionary


Tetun National Dictionary Project

Timor Aid is currently working in collaboration with the National Institute of Linguistics (INL) to produce an official Tetun dictionary. We hope the dictionary will be useful for a variety of Tetun speakers. More information on this project will be available soon.


Projetu Disionáriu Tetun Nasionál

Dadaun ne’e Timor Aid halo kolaborasaun ho Instituto Nacional de Linguística (INL) atu prodús disionáriu badak ba Tetun Ofisiál. Ami espera katak disionáriu ne’e sei fó benefísiu ba ema ne’ebé ko’alia Tetun hanesan, estudante sira, mestre/a no profesór/a sira, ema profisionál sira, funsionáriu públiku no peskizadór sira, no mós ema seluk ne’ebé interese ba lia-tetun. Bele hein tan informasaun seluk kona-ba projetu ne’e.